What is Angular? Angular is a free and open-source TypeScript-based web application framework particularly used for building single-page websites and mobile applications.
Advantages of using Angular •Cross-Platform Developer: - Angular can be used with a wide array of operating systems. Windows, macOS, and Linux all support Angular.
•Full Front-End Package: - Angular is part of the MEAN technology stack that fully offers developers the necessary app development tools
•Two-Way Data Binding: - Angular uses dependency injection and two-way data binding to synchronize the code with the model and view components. This saves software developers time because they don’t have to keep going back and forth.
•TypeScrip: - This allows you to create lines of code templates to use for future version releases or other software development processes. Code reusability is a great advantage of Angular, increasing productivity and efficiency.
Angular and Spring boot integration

How to install Angular CLI
