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Linux Commands

Writer's picture: Reshma StephenReshma Stephen

What is Linux?

Linux is an open source operating system (OS).To use Linux effectively, all users should know how to use terminal commands.

The core of entire GUI/Linux OS used to administer the entire system is based on LINUX COMMANDS.

Few of the basic commands of linux are listed below :

1. ls

This command lists directory contents.


It displays the current working directory path and is useful when directory changes are made frequently.

3. mkdir

The mkdir command makes a directory. The command is written as follows: mkdir [directory name]


This rmdir command (remove directory) to delete an empty directory.


This command copies a file. The cp command issues a copy of the file file.txt in the same directory.

6. mv

The mv command (move) to move files or directories from one location to another.

7. cat

The cat command (concatenate) displays the contents of a file(one or more) in the terminal.


This command is used to display a text or a string to the terminal.

The command ping (packet internet groper) to check internet connectivity. The tool is valuable in troubleshooting networking issues.


The kill command is used to end a process, usually an unresponsive one. The kill command also includes the process ID or the program name.

kill <signal option> <process ID>

$ kill 522551


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